- Najde se někdo ? Kdo stahne s ulozto tohle video, vloži do toho česky překlad nebo aspon česke titulky a da volně na youtube ???? Až to bude ? Dejte mi vědět na Jedna se totiž o velmi kvalitni material na naučeni se intuice - remote viewing ktere mužete využit na odhad akcii,sport zapasu i loterie,,,, video 1 až 2 dil
Ingo Swann je jednim z otcu techniky nazyvane Remote Viewing (volne prelozeno dalkove videni) a byl jednou z vudcich osobnosti v patnact let trvajicim vyzkumu teto techniky v SRI (Stanford Research Institute). Mimo jine tvrdi, ze tuto schopnost, tj. vnimat informace mimosmyslove, mame jako lide vrozenou. Jedine co nam v jejim pouzivani brani jsme my sami a obecne prijmany fakt neexistence takove schopnosti. V tomto videu Swann popisuje jak proces ESP (Extrasensory Perception - Mimosmyslove vnimani) funguje, jak ho rozvijet a k cemu je dobry.
Ingo Swann - Remote Viewing Methods disc 1.avi
Ingo Swann - Remote Viewing Methods disc 2.avi!4aXZ3pCm/ingo-swann-remote-viewing-methods-disc-1-avi
Ingo Swann - KNIHY
- Hledím nakladatelství kteří by vydaly v češtině knihy tohoto autora tykající se využiti INTUICE - REMEOTE VIEWING - JASNOVIDECTVI , ohledně využiti na tipovaní sport zápasu,loterie,v podnikáni.
- Hledám lidičky kteří by tuto literaturu přeložily do češtiny a daly třeba volně na internet ke čteni ve formátu PDF, nebo někde ke staženi ,, tak či tak,dejte pak vědět na
- Penetration - the Question of Extraterrestrial and Human Telepathy
- Everybody's Guide to Natural ESP: Unlocking The Extrasensory Power of Your Mind
- Secrets of Power, Volume 1: Individual Empowerment vs the Societal Panorama of Power and Depowerment
- Secrets of Power, Volume 2: The Vitalizing of Individual Powers
- Psychic Sexuality - The Bio-Psychic "Anatomy" of Sexual Energies
- Reality Boxes and Other Black Holes in Human Consciousness
- The Wisdom Category
- Starfire
- Purple Fables (QUARTET)
- Secrets of Power by Ingo Swan Vol. 1: Individual Empowerment vs the Societal Panorama of Power and Depowerment
Hledam někoho kdo by nezištně a zdarma stahnul někde tuto konkretni knihu,přeložil do češtiny a dal volně na internet nebo někde ke staženi,,až to bude,dejte odkaz ke staženi,,,,tato kniha vas nauči velim dobře odhadnout intuitivně vitěze sport zapasu,,,zlepšite se v odhadovani min o 60%...... až to bude dejte vedět na
Hledam někoho zdatneho kdo by nezištně a zdarma stahnul tuto ruskou knihu,dal do češtiny a vložil volně na internet nebo někde ke staženi. Tento autor napsal mnoho velmi kvalitnich knih diky kterym se naučite mnoho zajimavych technik o kterych se v česku muže prozatím ezoterikum jen zdat. Dejte pak vědět odkaz ke staženi .... po přečteni knih tohoto autora mužte ovladat techniky pro vaše intuitivni odhady a mnohem dalši možnosti,,, dejte pak vědět na
Mental technique of hypnosis. / Tekhnika myslennogo gipnoza.
Viktor Kandyba
Hledam nějakeho a velmi zdatneho , kdo se umi na internetu velmi dobře pohybovat a stahnout doslova cokoliv ??? Kdo by nezištně a zdarma stahnul cele toto DVD , dal do toho česke titulky a vložil volně na youtube . O co jde ? Tot DVD vas nauči ovladat intuici na odhad vitěze sport zapasu, vaše šance a odhady se zvyši o 60% ,,, dejte pak vědět až to bude cele v češtině na youtube
dejte mi vědět na
Hledám někoho kdo je technicky zdatny s nahravanim a střihanim videi a umi anglicky -- a vytvořil to komplet v české verzi,,,až to bude,dejte prosím vědět na ,předem děkuji ,,, jedna se o subliminal motivačni ( PODPRAHOVE !!! ) nahrávky které jsou na youtube,ale bohužel v angličtině. Pokud neumite naprosto dokonale anglicky tak je poslech takových nahrávek zbytečny,proto hledám někoho kdo to vytvořil komplet v češtině a vloží volně na youtube ( SUBLIMINAL THE LOTTERY )
HLEDÁM NAKLADATELSTVÍ KTEŘÍ BY VYDALY TUTO LITERATURU V ČEŠTINĚ A NEBO LIDIČKY KTEŘI TYTO KNIHY PŘELOŽI DO ČEŠTINY A DALI VOLNĚ K PŘEČTENI VE FORMATU PDF ,,, prosim,až to bude,dejte vědět na ,,, jedna se totiž o velmi kvalitni a odbornou literaturu ohledně INTUICE - MIMOSMYSLOVÉHO VNIMANI - JASNOVIDECTVI - REMOTE VIEWING , což mohou ocenit podnikatele, ezoterici atd ,,
Remote Viewing: The Complete User's Manual for Coordinate Remote Viewing Paperback –
by David Morehouse
We typically think of psychics as "special" or "gifted" with unusual abilities. But David Morehouse teaches that all human beings, including you, have the inborn capacity for Remote Viewing-the ability to see across space and time.
With Remote Viewing: The Complete User's Manual for Coordinate Remote Viewing, he presents comprehensive instruction in this scientifically designed method for tapping your ability to transcend your physical senses. By adapting the training he underwent to become an elite "psychic spy," Morehouse has created an accessible step-by-step approach that anyone can use.
"Remote Viewing was created as a means of gathering information," teaches David Morehouse, "but it has proven to be much more." As thousands of his students have discovered, a Remote Viewer actually taps into the collective unconscious that connects everything and everyone in the universe.
Presented in an accessible, logical, and artful manner, here is an unprecedented training manual for learning this profoundly transformational practice, and taking the first step into your ultimate potential. Includes 77-minute brainwave entrainment CD.
Remote Viewing Secrets: A Handbook Paperback –
by Joseph McMoneagle
Remote viewing is not simply using psychic ability to obtain information. It is using scientific protocol to develop and extend that ability, so that ordinary people can learn to do what "psychics" do.
This book teaches you how to teach yourself.
Joseph McMoneagle learned remote viewing in the U.S. Army--he was Remote Viewer #001 in the Army's Stargate program--and was awarded the Legion of Merit for his contribution to various intelligence operations. In Remote Viewing Secrets, the author of Mind Trek and The Ultimate Time Machine uses examples, exercises, and anecdotes to share what he learned and how he learned it, and gives you everything you need to begin developing your own abilities.
Remote Viewing Secrets is easily the most complete, authentic, and informative guide to remote viewing published to date.
Mind Trek
Remote Viewing (RV) is the ability to perceive and describe detailed information about a remote place, person, or thing--regardless of the normal boundaries of time and space. For over 25 years it has represented the cutting edge of research into the powers of the mind.
Mind Trek provides us with insight into new perceptions and realities and gives us an understanding of how to deal with the doubts and fears of the RV learning process. By showing the effects research has had on the author as a subject, it points to consciousness as the ultimate time-machine and the mind as the gateway to human creativity. It also establishes our own clear responsibility for the design of our future.
This book also provides excellent guidelines for how to begin your own journey toward perfecting the art of Remote Viewing.
The Stargate Chronicles: Memoirs of a Psychic Spy: The Remarkable Life of U.S. Government Remote Viewer 001
Joseph McMoneagle is now known as the best Operational Remote Viewer in the history of the U.S. Army's Special Project—Stargate. His intelligence collection results have never been surpassed and rarely equaled. Among his achievements:
He described the interior of a top-secret Soviet manufacturing plant and accurately predicted a new class of submarine under construction there.
He sketched the location and described the thoughts of a kidnapped U.S. Army General being held by the Red Brigade in Northern Italy.
Nearly a year in advance he accurately predicted when Skylab would leave orbit and where it would impact on the Earth’s surface.
After conventional reconnaissance failed, he and others were able to locate a downed Soviet bomber that had been carrying nuclear materials.
He achieved these results using scientifically designed and tested double-blind protocols. And in the years since his retirement he has continued to demonstrate these abilities on camera for national television in three countries, in the lab at the famed Monroe Institute, and for private companies.
Are his abilities a natural gift, or taught? Was it his largely unsuspected psychic ability that helped keep him alive in Vietnam, and aided in his invaluable contributions to the cold war effort, that made McMoneagle a first-class remote viewer? How much did he owe to his near-death experience in the 1970s? And why would he give up a safe and distinguished career as an advisor to the Commanding General of the U.S. Army Intelligence and Security Command to become Remote Viewer 001? This is his story.
Proven Techniques to Increase Accuracy Remote Viewing the Stock Market: Published by the Institute for Solar Studies on Behavior and Human Health, Santa Monica, CA.
Read the first 3 chapters free at:
From the author of and founder of the Solar Institute, this 15th title is the brainchild of more than 60 remote viewing sessions of the stock market. This book includes explanations of the physics behind associative remote viewing and includes herbs, essential oils and binaural tone frequencies that enhance remote viewing. Presented in an accessible, logical and artful manner, this unprecedented guide includes reviewed links to brainwave MP3’s that you can download to enhance your RV skills. Everyone has a degree of psychic ability, learn to explore and enjoy using that gift by mind journeying to distant places in time and space. Gain this power through this book. Remote Viewing is more than just a means of gathering information, the next step in remote viewing is associative remote viewing. This book is the only first authentic, complete and informative guide to associative remote viewing techniques published to date. This guide has been adapted for beginners and advanced students alike. This extraordinarily book teaches you how to teach yourself. A rare resource rich in comments, papers and resources, learn to create your own future by how you think about your future.
Limitless Mind: A Guide to Remote Viewing and Transformation of Consciousness
by Russell Targ
The psychic abilities of most humans are dampened by the clatter of our conscious minds. In this timely book, Russell Targ shows readers how to quiet this noise and see into the far reaches of time and space through remote viewing. He also illuminates the phenomena of intuitive medical diagnosis and distant healing in a groundbreaking synthesis of research and empirical data. Drawing on a broad range of spiritual traditions, Targ demonstrates that these psychic abilities offer a path of self-inquiry and self-realization and have the power to expand each person’s limited awareness into the consciousness shared by all beings. Targ explores the scientific and spiritual implications of remote viewing, as well as offering practical techniques and exercises to nurture this universally available but often untapped skill.
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např. kovové krabičky a sken přemětu mylí. také vidění na dálku. Momentálně studuji možnosti interpretace.
Illustration of Blood Pressure
(AAspiseeIdeste, 1. 10. 2018 15:55)
Compression est comment calleux votre sang pousse contre les parois de vos arteres lorsque votre coeur sentiment pompe le sang. Arteres sont les tubes qui transportent prendre offre sang loin de votre coeur. Chaque culture votre coeur bat, il pompe le sang par de vos arteres a la flanerie de votre corps.
Reading the new blood exigencies guidelines
(Aappoggivy, 20. 8. 2018 20:06)
Poids est comment poupe votre sang pousse contre les parois de vos arteres lorsque votre coeur determination pompe le sang. Arteres sont les tubes qui transportent prendre offre sang loin de votre coeur. Chaque age votre determination bat, il pompe le sang a tous egards vos arteres a la flanerie de votre corps.
(fanda, 4. 7. 2017 1:12)Můžu říct, že Martin Wszolek není žádný kecálek. Umí se trefit v odhadu. Děkuji jemu za to, že lidem poskytuje šanci na sobě pracovat.
Prokázaná schpnost vidění do
(Juralda, 21. 5. 2023 18:51)