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Proven Techniques to Increase Accuracy Remote Viewing the Stock Market: Published by the Institute for Solar Studies on Behavior and Human Health, Santa Monica, CA.
- Prozba : Kdo tuto knuhu přeloži do češtiny a da volně k přečteni na internet ve formatu PDF ? Dejte pak vědět na sidhi@email.cz
Read the first 3 chapters free at:
From the author of mightyz.com and founder of the Solar Institute, this 15th title is the brainchild of more than 60 remote viewing sessions of the stock market. This book includes explanations of the physics behind associative remote viewing and includes herbs, essential oils and binaural tone frequencies that enhance remote viewing. Presented in an accessible, logical and artful manner, this unprecedented guide includes reviewed links to brainwave MP3’s that you can download to enhance your RV skills. Everyone has a degree of psychic ability, learn to explore and enjoy using that gift by mind journeying to distant places in time and space. Gain this power through this book. Remote Viewing is more than just a means of gathering information, the next step in remote viewing is associative remote viewing. This book is the only first authentic, complete and informative guide to associative remote viewing techniques published to date. This guide has been adapted for beginners and advanced students alike. This extraordinarily book teaches you how to teach yourself. A rare resource rich in comments, papers and resources, learn to create your own future by how you think about your future.
Remote Viewing Financial Markets
Hledam nějakého a velmi zdatného , kdo se umi na internetu velmi dobře pohybovat a stahnout doslova cokoliv ??? Kdo by nezištně a zdarma stahnul cele toto DVD , dal do toho česke titulky a vložil volně na youtube . Předem děkuji a dejte pak vědět na sidhi@email.cz
This DVD is for those experienced with Remote Viewing protocol, preferably from Major Dames' Learn RV 4-DVD Course. The Financial Markets Application Workshop presents the step-by-step process that professional Remote Viewers utilize for predicting each financial market including, FOREX, Indices, Financials, Commodities and Stocks. The application workshop integrates greatly detailed explanations of the different financial markets and how each is traditionally traded; including how to integrate market trend software and tools in association with examples of when investors make money versus when they loose. In regards to the integration of Remote Viewing itself, the modern protocols used are a hybrid of Associative Remote Viewing or Hybrid-ARV that provides entirely new cues and technical analysis that force the session results to be far more accurate than traditional ARV has ever achieved in the past. These new groundbreaking Hybrid-ARV protocols have never been released to public until now and prove to be the ultimate companion for predicting market movement and provides an unfair advantage in the financial market world.
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